status: Active
LinkChecker is a free, GPL licensed website validator. LinkChecker checks links in web documents or full websites.
- Rating
- Views
- 3556
Link Checker Pro
Link Checker Pro is a solution for website analysis and the detection of broken and other problem links.
- Price
- 400€
- Rating
- Views
- 3262
Bug tracking
- Price
- 50€ per month
- Rating
- Views
- 3033
Simple testing tools for complex software projects. a comprehensive bug tracker an intuitive test case manager combined to unleash your…
- Rating
- Views
- 3159
Cross Platform GUI Test Automation tool Linux version is LDTP, Windows version is Cobra and Mac version is PyATOM. Linux GUI testing is known to…
- Rating
- Views
- 3959
JSCover is a tool that measures code coverage for JavaScript programs. It is an enhanced Java implementation of the excellent JSCoverage tool.
- Rating
- Views
- 3499
JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing…
- Rating
- Views
- 3293
Jubula provides automated functional GUI testing for various types of applications. It is aimed at teams who want their automated…
- Rating
- Views
- 4470
Java Pathfinder
JPF is a highly customizable execution environment for verification of Java™ bytecode programs. The system was developed at the NASA Ames…
- Rating
- Views
- 3433
The Apache JMeter™ application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance.…
- Rating
- Views
- 2745