operating system: Linux
gcov is a test coverage program. Use it in concert with GCC to analyze your programs to help create more efficient,…
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- 3440
Gauge is a light-weight cross-platform test automation tool with the ability to author test cases in the business language.
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- 4153
expect-lite is a mature, quick and easy command line automation tool. Written in expect, it is designed to directly map…
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- 3036
Enterprise Tester
Web-based test management tool
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- 3942
EMMA is an open-source toolkit for measuring and reporting Java code coverage. EMMA distinguishes itself from other tools by going after…
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- 5212
Embedded Unit
Embedded Unit is unit testing framework for Embedded C System. It’s design was copied from JUnit and CUnit and more,…
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- 4427
The Ejb3Unit project automates Entity and Session bean testing outside the container for the EJB 3.0 specification. Ejb3Unit is a JUnit extention…
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- 2723
FLUCTUAT is an abstract-interpretation based static analyzer of numerical programs (C or Ada) developed since 2001 by the MEASI (ModElling…
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- 2752
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- 3957
Fit: Framework for Integrated Test Fit is a tool for enhancing collaboration in software development. It’s an invaluable way to…
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- 2756