licence: Open Source
JSMock is a fully featured Mock Object library for JavaScript that provides the necessary tools to do effective interactive based…
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- 2605
JavaScript Client and ASP .NET Server Testing Framework TDD for Javascript and .Net
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- 2335
JSpider is: A highly configurable and customizable Web Spider engine. Developed under the LGPL Open Source license In 100% pure Java You can use…
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- 3494
JsTester allows validation of javaScript code inside java. It provides a group of assert methods like JUnit’s Assert, it also…
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- 3130
JTestCase is a 100% pure Java, open-source microframework that helps in separating test case data from test case units. JTestCase…
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- 2934
JTrac is an open source and highly customizable issue-tracking web-application written in Java.
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- 3126
Jubula provides automated functional GUI testing for various types of applications. It is aimed at teams who want their automated…
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- 4368
Jumble is a class level mutation testing tool that works in conjunction with JUnit. The purpose of mutation testing is…
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- 4101
JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing…
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- 3218
JUnit-addons is a collection of helper classes for JUnit. This library can be used with both JUnit 3.7 and JUnit…
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- 2507